Classic Battlestar Galactica #1-5 Complete
- Collections / Dynamite publisher
- Pages: 5 issues
- 2006-2007 year
- English comics
- Size: 196.9 mb.
- Tags: Classic Battlestar Galactica Battlestar Galactica Galactica Battlestar Dynamite
Commander Adama and Colonel Tigh send Apollo, Starbuck and Boomer on a mission to a Colonial satellite planet named Maytoria to retrieve several ancient books the believe are crucial to their search for Earth. Although the planet was populated by Sagittarians in the past, the Cylons now occupy the planet, and it is heavily protected by three base stars.
In an effort to give the mission a fighting chance of success, their Vipers are provided with experimental equipment that will provide "stealth" capabilities to avoid detection, which works well right up until Boomer colides with a Cylon Raider...