DC comics week (28.12.2016, week 52)
- DC / Collections publisher
- Pages: 24 issues
- 2016 year
- English comics
- Size: 978.9 mb.
- Tags: DC comics DC free DC 28.12.2016 week 52
1. Action Comics #970 (2017)
2. All-Star Batman #05 (2017)
3. Batgirl #06 (2017)
4. Batman Beyond #03 (2017)
5. Blue Beetle #04 (2017)
6. Dark Knight III The Master Race #07 (2017)
7. DC Comics – Bombshells #74 (2016)
8. Deathstroke #09 (2017)
9. Detective Comics #947 (2017)
10. Flash #013 (2017)
11. Future Quest #08 (2017)
12. Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #011 (2017)
13. Harleys Little Black Book #05 (2017)
14. Hellblazer #05 (2017)
15. Injustice – Ground Zero #11 (2016)
16. Justice League vs Suicide Squad #02 (2017)
17. Mother Panic #02 (2017)
18. Sixpack And Dogwelder Hard-Traveling Heroz #05 (2017)
19. Super Powers #02 (2017)
20. Supergirl Being Super #01 (2017)
21. Teen Titans #03 (2017)
22. Titans #06 (2017)
23. Vigilante Southland #03 (2017)
24. Wonder Woman #013 (2017)