Collection Marvel (28.12.2016, week 52)
- Marvel / Collections publisher
- Pages: 30 issues
- 2016 year
- English comics
- Size: 1300 mb.
- Tags: Collection Marvel free Marvel 28.12.2016 week 52
1.Black Panther #09 (2017)
2. Black Widow #09 (2017)
3. Captain America Steve Rogers #08 (2017)
4. Carnage #015 (2017)
5. Civil War II #08 (2017)
6. Disney Kingdoms Enchanted Tiki Room #03 (2017)
7. Doctor Strange And The Sorcerers Supreme #03 (2017)
8. Doctor Strange – The Punisher – Magic Bullets Infinite Comic #4 (2016)
9. Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe – Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season Three #1 (2016)
10. Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe – Marvel’s Agent Carter Season Two #1 (2016)
11. Extraordinary X-Men #017 (2017)
12. Ghost Rider #02 (2017)
13. Great Lakes Avengers #03 (2017)
14. Guardians of the Galaxy – Awesome Mix Infinite Comic #5 (2016)
15. Hulk #01 (2017)
16. Infamous Iron Man #03 (2017)
17. James Patterson Max Ride Final Flight #04 (2017)
18. Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man vs Sinister Six #06 (2017)
19. Mighty Thor #014 (2017)
20. Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur #014 (2017)
21. Prowler #03 (2017)
22. Rocket Raccoon #01 (2017)
23. Spider-Man Deadpool #012 (2017)
24. Spider-Man #011 (2017)
25. Spider-Woman #014 (2017)
26. Star Wars #026 (2017)
27. Thunderbolts #08 (2017)
28. Uncanny Avengers #018 (2017)
29. Uncanny Inhumans #017 (2017)
30. X-Men 92 #010 (2017)