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Sonic the Hedgehog #288

Sonic the Hedgehog #288

CELEBRATE 275 ISSUES Sonic The Hedgehog with his good friend and worlds Mega Man Street Fighter, Billy Hatcher, in a dream of the night, Monster Hunter and more in this double-sized room! "Worlds" Unite part of the eleventh: It is a pan-dimensional pandemonium as a single army begins offensive against Sigma! Sonic, Mega Man X and lead an all-star list of characters from different universes SEGA and Capcom in all-out assault against the villainous robot from the future! Will they be enough to keep all their worlds, or already Sigma has become a god? Thanks to wrap around cover by the legendary Patrick "SPAZ" Spaziante! PLUS 5 variant covers by Edwin Huang, Lamar Wells, Tracy Yardley, Rafa Knight and 11 of the epic 12-part series covers connectivity option artist Ben Bates! Do not miss the penultimate chapter of the biggest events in the history of the crossover Archie action!

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