Collection DC - The New 52 (09.10.2013, week 41)
- Collections / DC publisher
- Pages: 13 issues
- 2013 year
- English comics
- Size: 581.3 mb.
- Tags: Collection DC The New 52 Batgirl Batman Green Lantern Corps Superboy
1. Batgirl Vol 4 #24
2. Batman Vol 2 #24
3. Batman '66 #15
4. Forever Evil Arkham War #1
5. Green Lantern Corps Vol 3 #24
6. Katana #8
7. Nightwing Vol 3 #24
8. Stormwatch Vol 3 #24
9. Suicide Squad Vol 3 #24
10. Superboy Vol 5 #24
11. Superman Wonder Woman #1
12. Trinity Of Sin Phantom Stranger #12
13. Worlds Finest Vol 3 #16