Deathlok The Demolisher - The Complete Collection
Colonel Luther Manning has been locked in a state of living death. He is no longer a person, but a mockery of the man. He became a fusion of the reconstructed flesh and computer circuits, deprived family, his humanity - but not his will. He became Deathlok Destroyer - a weapon of war exclusively programmed for destruction. A complex mixture of science fiction and psychological warfare magazine, Deathlok set the pace for the anti-heroes in the 70 turbulent post-Watergate. "Illustrated Rich armor and co-authored by Doug Moench and Bill Mantlo, Deathlok pushed the moral urgency of Marvel Comics in bold, often frightening new future . amazing collection Tales (1970) # 25-28 and # 30-36, Marvel Team-Up (1972) # 46, Marvel Spotlight (1971) # 33, Marvel Two in One (1974), # 27 and # 54, and Captain America (1968) 286-288 #.