Satan's Circus of Hell #03
Satan's Circus of Hell contains a terrifying sense of humor in the classical tradition of pulp comics, and enough sex, immorality and sadism corrupt modern minds. Reader discretion advised. Robert Steven Rhine (girls and corpses) is an anthology horror loaded with great gore, terror and humor that you can swallow - or choke on! It is dark, terrible and very funny. This is a full color graphic fiction extravaganza features a top horror illustrators from around the world. This question brings six horror stories. "China Beach" (John Watkins-Chow) tells the story of a group of friends and their discoveries on the beach, "Anna" (Tone Rodriguez) is a history geek who gets his sweet revenge, "SAM RI" (Mark Covell) brings us back to school break where the bully tries to use Wimpy Kid. In "The Adventures of Dr. narcolepsy" (Kevin Colden) doctor takes a vacation at the time. "Magician From Hell" (DW Frydendall) is the story of Gore and magii.Vopros closes with a story about a robotic terror - "LEZBOTS". Pinups Nenad Gucunja, Brian Baugh David Hartman, Alex Pardee