WWE Superstars #10
- Other publisher
- Pages: 30
- 2014 year
- English comics
- Size: 50.2 mb.
- Tags: WWE Superstars Stone Cold Steve Austin The Rock Trish Stratus Tully Blanchard Undertaker Yokozuna
In the biggest Royal Rumble in history as WWE Legends of the past continue to quarrel with WWE Superstars today on a wide range of fantastic combat zone. It's the ultimate Clash of the Titans, when the most colossal WWE Superstars throughout history to find themselves forced to fight against each other - Kevin Nash, Big Show, Vader, The Great Khali, Yokozuna and Gorilla Monsoon. As Roddy Piper and Daniel Bryan trying to navigate the slaughter more than two giants to enter the fray - Phenom, which is the Undertaker goes head to head against one of the greatest legends in the history of WWE!